It will be interesting to see what matches come up
Several months ago I did the Big-Y test and there is a Mr.RJ Brown and I that match there and it appears the 2 of us are split off of the rest of the L519 project in a sub group.
I got my Y-DNA67 results back last week, at 67 markers it showed 6 matches, 1 at 0 Genetic Distance, 5 at 1 genetic distance. 4 with Robert Patrick b. 1705 and 1 with John Patric b. 1429 as most distant ancestor. on the Lamont family DNA study it has me a position #125
GD Name Ancestor 1 Robert Lamont Ballygoney, N Ireland 2 Mark Williams 2 Luther Thompson Jr 2 William Lamont 2 John Lamond Duntocker, Scotland 3 Robert Brown Markinch, Fife, Scotland 7 Keith Brown
The 2 Lamonts are cousins. Mr. Thompson is in the Luckie line. Mark Williams family is somewhat fragmented about 5 generations back so they are about in the same boat as I am.
There are 3 of us that have done the Big-Y. Under FGC13437 there are 4 of us, 3 of us share 16 unique marker but Mr. Robert Brown and I branch off after that and have 4 more unique markers.
I wish we could get more Lamont’s to take a Big-Y to see if they have the 4 unique makers that we have.
-- Edited by super8mm on Friday 12th of February 2016 04:01:02 PM
Very cool Steve I can't fine a drect link to the Lamonts on my Patrick line I think we are only a step family. My nephew David Patrick found a link to the Lamont on are Cunningham line.
A recently released series of three YouTube videos that John Cleary presented at this year's "Who Do You Think You Are?" gathering in Birmingham are really helpful in getting your head around this Y-DNA stuff. In the first one he deals with STR values (from the 12 to 111-marker test) and SNPs (from the Big-Y test) and explains their relative usefulness. You can hit it at this URL:
At the end of that one, it will automatically sequence into the second video and it will auto-sequence into the third segment at the end of the second one. I think that John can explain things in a far better manner than I could and he accompanies his explanations with slides that he used in his WDYTYA presentation.
Hi cousin Steve (and Dennis)! I noticed that FTDNA has the Big-y 700 test on special @$229 USD until the 17th (I think), so I've ponied up the $$$ and am going for broke on it. Just thought you'd like to know for the Lamont FTDNA and the CLSNA DNA files. I'll keep you posted on any significant results that might turn up.