I made my first targe from Black Bear and I learned a little while doing it. Its the black one on the bottom. I want to re-do the front as the design was un-planned and well... I think I can do better. The second Targe is Deer hide with a celtic cross, and I like the way this one came out. I will be making another one out of a raccoon pelt.
I have looked in several places to see if the Lamonts have any records of a Clan or Clan chief targe but have found no records. I found at one point a guys who has copied several old targes from a museum that has some old clan targes but he had never seen one for Lamont's
George Young CLSNA Senior VP Seanair agus Seannachie
Has something changed on here? I don't find any links to JPGs. I have found names of files, but they aren't links, and people talk about seeing them.
The paintings, poetry and music Are all merely water drawn from the well of mankind And must be returned to him in a cup of beauty So he may drink And in drinking, come to know himself. --Lorca
I see them now - must be the photos weren't "there" when I tried looking before.
The paintings, poetry and music Are all merely water drawn from the well of mankind And must be returned to him in a cup of beauty So he may drink And in drinking, come to know himself. --Lorca