I don't know if I'm even going to find a connection to anyone here, but I'm a Patrick descendant. My GGGG Grandparents were Hugh Patrick and Mary Beggs, both from Ayrshire. Hugh was born around 1780. I found two possible matches on the IGI, one more probable, due to him being born in Kilwinning, which comes up a lot in the family, including their daughter's marriage there. The other was born in Kirkmichael, which hasn't come up. Mary Beggs was born in Stair.
I'm descended through their daughter Margaret, who married James Stevenson and moved to Australia.
I've read some other posts that mention Patrick family in Ayrshire, so hoping there might be a connection somewhere.
I am not a Patrick, you will soon be diluged with Patricks responding. Is your father a Patrick? if you are or have a living male Patrick relative, you might want to concider the Lamont DNA project.
George Young CLSNA Senior VP Seanair agus Seannachie
I'm at work at the moment, night shifter. So don't have a lot of time, meant to say on my last message, my nearest ancestor with the name Patrick was my GGG Grandmtoher Margaret Patrick, daughter of Hugh Patrick and Mary Beggs. So she then married a Stevenson. I'm sure there will be plenty of male descendants with the name though, I just don't know any of them.
Lesa over on the main section under “Stept Names History & Discussion” You can see a discussion on The Patrick Family Step. http://lamontcentral.activeboard.com/forum.spark?aBID=127632&p=3&topicID=22671965
Welcome to the forum, we are very happy to to have another Patrick descendant here with us. Especially one who is interested in genealogy.
I am a Patrick descendant. Do you know who was the first Patrick immigrant in your family and where they settled in the US ? I have quite a bit of information on the Patrick family in Virginia and Kentucky. As you have gathered David, James, Dennis and I are all related. Our Patrick family ancestors came from Ayrshire. Our line is fairly well documented.
There are some other lines that are not as well documented. It would be interesting to get into some of those other lines. Your family may very well be descendants of our line. At this point we just don't where we connect.
Please add the information on your family line to the discussion under the Patrick Family Sept discussions and let us take a look at it.
Jim Lovelace CLSNA Director - SE Region Georgia, Alabama & Tennessee Area Commissioner - CLSNA
Although I may very well have cousin lines that went to the USA, I don't have any direct Patrick ancestor that did. The only ancestor I have was Margaret Patrick, daughter of Hugh Patrick and Mary Beggs. Her mother was still living in Scotland I think when Margaret moved with her husband and children to Australia, the shipping record is kind of hard to read. I was able to make out that her mother Mary was still living and that her father Hugh had passed away. That was in July 1857.
My Patrick ancestors, at least so far, were also from Ayrshire, Margaret married James Stevenson, also from Ayshire. They emigrated to Australia, arriving July 2 1857.