I got this email from Jean MacKarcher Watson but did not get it posted in time for this year.... Jean is a founder of Clan Lamont Canada and the originator of Tartan Day. She started the idea in 1986 and got it spread throughout Canada and now it has gone all over the world.
At the end of this email she mentions next year is the 25th aniversary of the First Tartan day. She is looking for ideas of how to celebrate 2011 Tartan Day. Please post your ideas here.
Here is her email
I hope you remembered and have donned some tartan, your kilt, or some form of tartan wear today.
Today we honour our ancestors and the tough stuff they were made from.
It is hard to believe that something we started here in Nova Scotia in 1986 is now being celebrated all over the world!
Unfortunately we are not able to celebrate like larger places but we do what we can and
I thank all of you for putting on any event you can on this date.Even inviting in a neighbour for a cup of tea or a dram.
Merely wearing the tartan and showing your culture is a huge step.We need to be proud of our history and it is only by “showing our colours” that the younger people take notice.Do not be ashamed to “bring forth the tartan” and wear it with pride.As the younger ones mature they too will pick up in our shoes if we keep our culture to the front.
Are Sikes ashamed of their head wear?Are Blacks ashamed of their African dress?
They step out and wear it with pride.
Something about "The Tartan" makes people smile. They are not laughing at you they are smiling with you.
Lets make this a "Tartan Year".....wear the tartan every place you possibly can, to church,to the hospital (notice how people smile when they see you coming in your tartans!) to class,to any function you can. You will find you are happier when wrapped in your tartans!!And your Celtic ancestors will smile upon you
as well.
"Happy Tartan Day" and lets all think of ideas of how to celebrate next year for the
25th Anniversary ofour date.
Slainte math!...Jean Watson
George Young CLSNA Senior VP Seanair agus Seannachie
Got to meet her back in 2007 when my wife Jean and I went to Nova Scotia for the Lamont memorial service they held in June of that year. A dear lady and very funny. We had a good time there with fellow Lamont's from the north!
-- Edited by Dulcimer Dude on Tuesday 1st of June 2010 03:51:08 PM