I have emailed some of you and we have added about 50 signtures to get the Scottish district goverment to save Castle Toward. There is another meeting at the end of Janurary.
The cause is to save the Castle Toward house. Our Toward Castle ruins are on the grounds of the mansion built by Kirkman Finlay who bought the land from our Clan Chief in 1809 who moved to Australia. Several owners since Kirkman Finlay have preserved our clan ruins but now is danger of being sold again. One rumored sale would be to a trailer (Caravan) park.
I just heard that the A&B council and Actual Reality came to an agreement during the week and hope to re open on 1st March. This still is still not what we want long term for our ancient ruins but at least they won't be paving over it for a trailer site pad.
Thanks to all who signed the petition.
George Young CLSNA Senior VP Seanair agus Seannachie
The meeting was a waste of time the march was cancelled and the deal as you say George was thrashed out a few days beforehand with Actual reality and the council. Basicly it is this 1. A/B council are selling the property and the grounds to who ever will buy.
2. Actualy reality wish to buy property but not all the grounds. They wont say how much of the grounds they wish or how much they will pay. They stated clearly that they are a comercial business and need to make a profit.
3. A/B confirmed that if Actual reality buy, the rest of the grounds will go on the open market.
4. Both parties stressed that they are on there way to a deal but more negotiations are needed. Neither party would say what the deal was and the selling price.
CONCERNS FROM THE FLOOR 1. The ground not purchased will it be sold in lots? answer yes.
2. Therefore it looks like it will be open for development > houses > caravans > site for travelling people some of whom have pitched on the open ground across the road from the castle by the sailing club. Neither party would confirm or deny.
3. Residents who live within the grounds and nearby were concerned about their wated supply which is a private supply from the castle. Actual reality would not confirm or deny if they would need to pay or even get a supply.
4. Would public still have access to grounds actual reality own.> answer dont know but stressed that they are a comercial company, so in effect thay are considering charging an entry fee, they would not confirm or deny.
5. Clan Lamonts concern is about Toward castle so I have a meeting next week with A/B Councillors to discuss who owns it and the grounds.
I have a contact who was going to be working with me this year as he knows where to get funding, we were going to tidy up make footpaths and sign posts information boards etc...so it looks as if it is time to get going, I will keep you all posted See forargyll.com website for their excellent report and I agree with every word! Mary
I sent out to my email list of Lamont around the world who I correspond on a regular basis. I was surprised that this generated over 100 names to the petition in less than a week. This tells me we have a strong world wide base to draw support and in this case it means $$$. I think we have to buy our history back or loose it forever.
George Young CLSNA Senior VP Seanair agus Seannachie