I have a blade I did for a shipmate who retired back in June but we were never able to get together before they left back in June.
It is one of my Gent's EDCs with wood from the USS Constitution on the handle. This wood is live oak which is the largest part of the 10-15% of the ship that is still original. This is also the part of the ship that made her Old Ironsides.
Now I have an issue. I can't sell this piece since the wood was a gift from the ship for my charity work I did for them a few years ago (one of those moral things) but it turned out to well to let sit around the shop gathering dust (one of my pet pevs is knives that don't cut things). I don't have any close friends in the Reserves retiring any time in the future that I would just wait for them.
Jim (Luckey) is giving it to a retired member of the Navy. He will be making a donation to help out.
It should be coming back from the sheath maker this week. The gentleman is mailing it out tomorrow. Should be a brown sheath stamped in a elephant skin pattern. I can wait to see it.