Men seem to outnumber women here -- so I figured it was time to introduce myself and help even the score! ;)
My name is Jill Clark and I live in North Texas. (So glad to see others from this area involved in CLSNA!) Throughout most of the 1990s I served as Vice President of the Central Region and Editor of the Wee Harp. Then I got a little burned out, my dad died and I kind of lost interest in genealogy for awhile, and then we became grandparents. So . . . I've been busy and distracted.
Anyway, I've paid my membership dues for the first time in several years and I'm just hanging out at home with my newly-retired husband. (He was laid off from Texas Instruments last month after almost 29 years and forced to take early retirement.) One or both of us will be job hunting later this year, but for now we're relaxing and taking it easy.
I'm "Skye Clarsair" because my two main Scottish heritage interests are the Isle of Skye and traditional "Celtic" music. My Lamonts were from Skye (parishes of Durinish and Bracadale) and I sometimes pick up one of my clarsachs (wire harps) and attempt to play! (Actually, I am a musician but play mostly piano and keyboard.) I also enjoy writing and travel. Oh, and I have a little Gaelic as well!
Enough about me. I look forward to meeting some of you guys in June possibly.
yes, Jill we need more lasses in here. Welcome to our group. Glad to see you join us. I have my tickets for June and look forward to meeting you. Your experience will be a great addition to the group.
George Young CLSNA Senior VP Seanair agus Seannachie
I am very glad that you you decided to join us again, as you are aware I am in the past catagory as far as Clan Lamont is concerned these days, but just wanted you to know that your past support and encouragement to me is still remembered today. Great things tend to come out of Texas and I believe that our Clan Lamont Society has entered a new and exciting era today and the new leadership today is evident.
I just arrived home today after the 16th Annual Loch Norman Games, My memory has left me when you were here to support our Clan, but I still remember that rainly friday night when you arrived in NC.
Wow! Yes, I still have Lamont stuff from that weekend. Was it in 2000? I have a lovely green sweatshirt that I bought at Loch Norman. It has a swatch of Lamont modern in the crest in the middle. Still looks great! (Hardly have a chance to wear in sweatshirts properly in Texas. ;) And I have that framed plaque as a remembrance of the Games. And the memory of the hospitality of you and your wife. What a blessing! :)
I also enjoyed driving west a little ways on I-40 and seeing the dogwood and other trees starting to bloom while on my way to meet a distant cousin of Steve's and check out Asheville. Yep, it's all coming back to me now!
(I also ruined a pair of shoes that weekend in the Carolina mud!)
Welcome Jill, I am new to the clan, and live in Wisconsin. I agree with Luckey...Grandchildren are great fun, something that I will be getting more first hand knowledge.
I see you are involved with Scouting. (Your "handle" gives you away!) We have an Eagle Scout in our family. Our oldest earned his Eagle rank in 1993, I believe. My husband and I were adult BSA members for several years in the late 1980s and early 1990s. I was a den leader, a pack committee chair, even served for awhile as Cub"master" when no dad was available. Then I went on to be just a committee member of our sons' scout troop and a merit badge coach. I went to national training in Oklahoma to be Cub Scout Day Camp program director, but not without first having a couple years as a song leader under my belt. With the Boy Scouts I also helped with an occasional camp-o-ree assisting with the music on Sunday mornings for a simple worship service or as one of the judges for Dutch Oven cook-offs! Fun times!
Jill, I was a Scout Leader when my brother was in Scouts but got out until my youngest joined, that was ten years a go and even though he is out I still stay involved for the boys. I am a Unit Commissioner of three units, and also one of my Districts Assistant District Commissioners. Yes I enjoy the Scouting life and I have a few things that I want to do before I deside to "Retire" from scouting (If that is possible). One thing that I have learned is you are NEVER "Just" a committee member or leader, the time we devote to scouting impacts the life of a boy. Any way If you haven't heard it "Thanks for the time you gave to the Scouts." I do not know how my Daughter and Son-in-Law feel about Scouting but I hope that one day I will see my grandson in scouts, but it is up to my Daughter and Son-in-Law.
It's nice to see another harper here. As you can see from my avatar I play a Lamont replica made by David Kortier. It is a real beast to play as he went to the National Museum in Scotland and got permission to take the real one out of the case to measure. Mine is made from Yellow Birch and was originally strung by Ann Haymann with the 9 lower strings in gold wire with the rest in brass. I have since removed the gold strings and restrung the harp in bronze strings with the lowest beong .040" in diameter. It has an almost 30 second sustain. I enjoy playing for myself. These instruments were built originally as solo instruments and tuned to themselves so do not play well with others!
John, thanks for the welcome. (Just now found it!)
I have seen the Lamont Harp on display and read about her replicas. Very interesting history there. Wouldn't it be awesome to go back in time and see the harp when it was newly crafted, before it got broken?
My favorite wire harper is Cynthia Cathcart of Silver Springs, MD. I really like her style. (I believe she has some samples of her music on her website at )
You are right about playing with others but it's still done in harp circles. I've been told that harpers can't have perfect pitch otherwise the often imperfect tuning will drive them nuts! ;)
Hi Jill my old friend. I ahve not seen you in many a year. I am still vending but not as much-I guess I will as long as I can so we can travel. Have not been back to Scotland in 3 years. Don't do NTIF but my son does. Hope to see you somewhere soon. How are are those grown up kids of yours? We are great grandparents now.