I hang around Ren Fairs. Actually hang around is a bit of an understatement since my wife and I normally get season passes to the local one and go to several others during the year.It is kind of a requirement when you have a wife who has a masters in history (English renaissance).
I checked out my paternal grandmother’s name and being a White I started talking with the Lamont at the Scarbourgh Fair in North Texas.
I haven't made any yet but there are some plans in the future.
Here are some I've made in the past. Remember I'm an amatuer and my designs are works in progress. They sheaths are done by friends.
Here is a set I made for my brother-in-law for Christmas. The hunter is a standard design for me. The handles and call were all made from the same chuck of ironwood burl.
My Gent's EDC. Made to be carried with a suit. They are typically smaller, 6" or less - This one is stainless raindrop damascus with jet for the handle
This on has walrus jawbone for the handle
This one has mammoth ivory on the handle
This one is a donation to an auction for a friend who had died. This is dyed girraffe bone
Here is one of three that I am proudest of. This is one that I and 4 others worked on as a project. The materials came from the USS Constitution. Iron from a cannon, copper plate from the powder room, wood from a mast, copper castings from two pins (orginal) and brass castings from a spike (also orginal). I did the handle and castings.
While I enjoy making them I'm really a beginner in custom knives. you should see the really nice ones out there!! Mine look like clubs compared to them.
If you really want to see some nice ones (including some increadable historical pieces) check out this forum. I've been a member for years.
You can also check out these individual makers who do historical pieces.
http://www.kragaxe.com/ has some nice saaxes which for the Ren Fairs is a little more PC than the dirks (with a wife with a masters I'm "encouraged" to be period correct)
http://www.jloose.com/ some of the most incredable pieces you will see. He specialises in German migration era