The new Wee Harp is released and ready for download. Members of the Forum will have the first chance to see it but it comes with a catch. Please e-mail Frank Brown our editor with your choice to receive future editions in electronic format. Not only will we save money to put toward projects but we will be saving tree's too! The tree's are more important at this stage.
Meanwhile, the paper edition is at press and will not run until the 28th which means those who opt for paper won't get their editions until middle March. We will be conducting a poll to the greater membership to get a preference before we send it out. So it's only available here now!
Please e-mail Frank Brown at and indicate you would like to receive future editions in electronic format.
I am proud to be the first to congratulate Frank & David for making this electronic version of the Wee Harp availible online. The benefits that David mentioned of postage and printing savings are great but making this wonderful information availible to potential CLSNA members will be invaluable in recruiting new members
Great job guys!!
George Young CLSNA Senior VP Seanair agus Seannachie
Congratulations on the great job you folks have done on the "Wee Harp", the elctronic version looks great with all of the color pictures. The quality of the newsletter has been improving consistently over the past year or so. It will look wonderful printed out in full color.
I will opt for the electronic version and will send you a personal e-mail with my info. It would be interesting to know how much the elctronice version will save CLSNA in paper, printing, postage and mailing costs. I'm sure it is a significant amount of money over the period of a year.
Jim Lovelace CLSNA Director - SE Region Georgia, Alabama & Tennessee Area Commissioner - CLSNA
Frank, Grace, David, A WONDERFUL edition of the Wee harp! Nice to look at and easy to read. Count me in on the electronic version from now on. Fine work everyone.
Ken, Are you still involved with the Scouting Program? I am a Unit Commissioner and I am also 1 of 4 Eagle Coordinators for my District. I did my Wood Badge in 2000, one of the last of the old program before National switched over to the "Wood Badge for the 21st Century". I am of the Beaver Patrol.
-- Edited by Wood Badger on Monday 6th of April 2009 11:50:37 AM
I retired after about 12 years, going up the ladder till I was a Scoutmaster. Also was active In the OA and was awarded Vigil Honors.
My Woodbadge course was the same year that the Hurricane Hugo came thru our area, so our course was longer than anticipated, since we had to skip the weekend of the hurricane.
Ken, I also was a Scoutmaster , 6 years, two troops, At the time I desided to step up to Unit Commissioner I felt I was in a rut and needed to help out in other ways, that is why I stay with it. I am also active with the OA, not as much as I would like to but am active with the Lodge. I guess the reason I stay with the program is...It has become a way of life for me. Thank you for the time you spent with the boys, I am sure you influenced a lot of them in those 12 years. Now, along with Scouting and School, I can focus on my connection with Clan Lamont (not a problem, a challenge, right?)
Hi Guys I have been so busy with the Edinburgh gathering I have not thanked you for the latest edition of the wee Harp....thank you it was a super read with interesting contents. I will be able now to print some copies for our tent in Edinburgh. Keep up the good work. Regards Mary Lamb Secretary CLS Scotland