A quick update on Far West Happenings. I got in contact with a distant cousin Charles Lambie from Monterrey California. He couldn't make the games but his cousin Robert (mother was a Lambie) did. What a surprise. He was full of Lambie history all the way back to Abigail Adams and the burning of the White House in the War of 1812. I will pass more of this on to the Wee Harp for future input. Then while I was performing in Oak Glen a couple came up who saw our name on a cooler. Lo and behold his name was Michael Lambie of the Austrailian Lambies. He lives now in Los Angeles. I thought I was through being shocked when I met Adam Main at Seaside games in Ventura. His father's mother was from Gillespie, Illinois the same home town where my father immigrated to in 1923 and grew up in. This town had 1100 people (mostly Scots) so I probably met them some time in the past. Okay so now I am finally grasping what's going on and starting to fit in the pieces when a lady walks up and says to me "tell me I bought the right tartan scarf for a young lad that works with me, he pronounces his name John Lammie but its spelled Lambie." So now I have to connect all these dots together and hope they stay in contact.