a big hello from Knockdow here in Argyll, Scotland
I am Stewart Cameron, and together with my wife have had the privilege of owning Knockdow since mid 2010
I have joined the forum as the house and estate are of historical and emotional significance to lamont's world wide. I also wanted to correct certain "statements" or "claims" made in various forum posts here. I do so with the best of intentions and goodwill to all.
Hello from Cleveland, the "Home of Rock and Roll". I am trying to reconnect back to Scotland through the ancestors, and have some leads in the center of Pennsylvania that I will research. I am excited to be reconnecting to my roots, as it does explain parts of my personality! Hope to come to Scotland once I figure out where I will need to go. I do know that Ulster will be part of it. I am very interested in Dal Raida and what that would have been like in the 500-600's. Win G
Hi Stewart and welcome to the Forum.
I pop up to the Manse regularly to stay with Mary and make sure she is OK. I will let you know when I pop up next and maybe we can have a beer or two.
Kevin Turner
The United States and the United Kingdom, two countries separated with the same language.