The 2013 Lamont calendar that CLSNA produced has been widely acclaimed as a success. It was a tremendous fund raising event for CLSNA heritage programs and grants. 100% of the calendar net earnings are earmarked for these projects. Thank you for your support!
We are launching the 2014 Calendar!
We learned a lot doing this inaugural calendar issue and feel we can improve it this next year. The photos used on the 2013 calendar were submitted by David/Misty Patton and George Young showing Lamont sites around the Cowal peninsula in Argyll, Scotland. One major change we are making is to open up submission of photos. Anybody can send us their favorite Lamont related photo from anywhere around the world. It doesn’t have to be taken in Scotland. The only criterion is it must be a Lamont related photo.
If you want to be part of the 2014 Lamont calendar, please submit your (2) two most favorite Lamont photos that you would like to share with the rest of the Clan.Along with the photo please submit to us: date photo taken, description, location, etc. The photos need to be high resolution digital images that you have photographed yourself. Please don’t submit somebody else’s photo without permission. If your photo(s) are selected, your name will be listed as contributing photographer on the calendar and receive satisfaction that you helped raise money for Clan Lamont restoration and preservation projects.
Another change - our goal is to have a 2014 calendar printed by April 1 to sell at Lamont events this summer. To make that happen we will need photos by Feb 15 2014 so that the selection committee can choose photos that will be used this year.
We also need help making this all happen - be part of the Lamont Calendar team.
First, we need volunteers to be on the photo selection committee. We also need clansperson from each of the Lamont Societies to help champion this project in your area. You can use this as a fund raising project for your society. We also are planning to customize 2014 calendar to include holidays from all the societies’ countries not just US. This will be a Lamont calendar and not a CLSNA calendar.
Did you mean you want to generate the 2014 calendar for sale during Games Season 2013? You said "printed by April 1" but no year and I'd think you'd want to be looking to future.