Hello, my name is Curtis Lemmons. I live in San Antonio, TX and am very new to finding out about my geneology. I come here for information mostly, and a sense of comraderie. A little about myself, if it helps in any way with you geneology buffs. I was born and raised in California, but from all I have been able to trace, the Lemmons/Lemon/most other variations I can think of, goes back to Thomas Jefferson Lemons Sr of Pittsylvania, VA (in the 1800s). After that, things get harder. I did find out that Lemmons is possibly a Lamont connection. My family always thought they were french with the pronunciation of LeMons. I do see that some Lamonts lived in france at one time, but was just wondering about connections and that sort of thing. I have not been to any scottish functions, as until a few months ago, I did not know of this possible lineage. Anyway, it is nice to meet everyone and I hope to be talking with you soon.
We have a saying on pronunciation of Lamont... It's "Lam-mit, dam-it, for gods sake were not French!!!"
The male side of the Lamont's are definately of Celtic origin and Sir Lammon's mother was Norse, his name was a Norse name meaning Law-giver aka Lawman. time frame was about 13th century, yes some Lamonts went to France about 1700's?? but most are Scottish or emmigrated to US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc. The name Lemmon is definately a Sept of Clan Lamont. The name Lemmon of course could come from many sources but it is definately one of the spelling variations of Lamont. We would love to have you join our society while you continue your search
George Young CLSNA Senior VP Seanair agus Seannachie
I second George's welcome and do hope you join the society. We have lots of Lamonts in your area. There are lots of things going on in your area. Check for Scottish Gatherings especially around Austin. I know that one or two compete in the athletic competition. We can research heritage and answer questions you might have. Once again welcome.