A cousin needs help! He has hit a wall so I want to see if anyone out there has information that would move this forward. Personally, this is the first time I have encountered a Patrick migration via Holland but it's not unheard of.
What we are looking for is a connection that brings this line back to Scotland so that our cousin feels comfortable calling himself a Lamont. Here is the info I have. Any thoughts or idea's are appreciated!
Email as follows (See attached Tree)
Family notes list Luke's brother as Lewis Patrick and they were raised around Orangeburg, SC (Lewis b. 1725). Everything that I have run across stops in South Carolina. You are also correct about the boat from Holland being an assumption. In researching I ran across a tidbit that stated most ships ferried across the Atlantic from Holland during this time. Also, Joseph Patrick (b.1728 - in S.C.) married a Mary Jung (from Holland) and settled there. This is the furthest any information goes back. Unfortunately I do not possess that key piece of information - parental names. I am left with pieces.
Putting together the information that I had, and what I had read, led me to think that my Patrick line boarded at ship in Holland (probably with more Scots) and set sail for a new life Charleston, S.C. I am also still basing this off the history of Colleton Co., S.C., being primarily a Scottish and Dutch settlement. Given that, there has to be some information about the Scottish peoples in this area of America during this time. There also could be some connection with the Lord Proprieters of this area during colonization. As Luke and his family stayed and farmed their lands between the Edisto River Forks until the 1800s.
The family naming history utilized the names Luke and John for my three oldest known relatives + his brother Lewis. I've attached a short geneaology that I had compiled (rather poorly) from multiple internet resources. Most of our family tree was confirmed via LDS website information.