On behalf of the members and officers of Clan Lamont Society of North America (CLSNA), I would like to offer our fondest Christmas and New Years wishes to all of you who have Lamont kinship all across the world. Despite the current world economic and political changes that have effected and affected all of lives, we have our common heritage to give us comfort. I thank you for being part of the family.
My Christmas wish is a simple one, “Sustain our Lamont heritage for future generations”. There are many ways to do this and I ask each of you to reach out in some fashion.
Here is one easy suggestion for you
Become a member or donate to a Lamont society in your part of the world. If you are already a member, how about sending a membership to your children or grandchildren to jump start their interest in Lamont heritage.
Please help preserve our Lamont history and the few remaining Lamont artifacts for future generations before they are lost. The few enduring vestiges of our once proud clan are on the verge of annihilation by forces of time and circumstance. Will future generations understand the implication that Mac Laomain mor Chomhail uile is Gaelic for “The Great MacLamont of all Cowal”? Clan Lamont is a Scottish clan of great antiquity that once held much land in Argyll on the Cowal peninsula.Lamont’s can trace their heritage back to Ireland and the early Kings of Ulster.Act now to help save of our history.
Nollaig Chridheal
Bliadhna Mhath Ur Dhuibh
Seoras Og(George Young)
George Young CLSNA Senior VP Seanair agus Seannachie