Hi, I'm one of those people wondering if I'm descended from the Lamonts, or Lamont-Youngs, in my case. Perhaps one of the old-timers around here can shed some light on my William Young - Robert Young connection in 18th-century Augusta County, Virginia, where there were Young-Lamonts naming their sons William and Robert...
I've been doing the genealogy thing for decades, got both of my parents back to both the Mayflower and colonial Virginia, but my biggest brick wall was the ancestry of my mother's mother's mother's father, William Henry Young of Iowa County, Wisconsin (born 1845).
Well, last month I finally broke through, proving that his grandfather was "Henry Young, Jr." who married Dempsey Buckalew (apparently descended from the Scotts of Buccleuch) in 1806 in Christian County, Kentucky.
"Henry Young, Jr." is mentioned together with "Henry Young, Sr." who settled the estate of Henry, Sr.'s father William Young of Christian County in 1810. William Young also had heirs named James Young and John Young (presumably sons).
William Young got a land warrant for 200 acres of land, for three years of service as a Sergeant in the Virginia Line during the Revolution.
Henry Young, Sr. was evidently the son of William Young's first wife. William's second wife was Jane McChesney of Rockbridge (formerly Augusta) County, Virginia, and this Young family (with brother-in-law Walter McChesney) seems to have detoured through South Carolina on their way to Kentucky. In 1801 William Young and wife Jane signed away their interest in Jane's father's estate in Rockbridge County, with Robert Young one of the witnesses, per http://www.gencircle.com/users/nlsjjs/1/data/19
Sorry John! I don't know how your post got pig penned but it's out now. Our official young family expert and Senior Vice President George Young will be with you in short order!
David Patton President Clan Lamont Society of North America
Thanks, I was wondering about that... maybe the website has an automatic filter for posts coming from across the Pacific.
I've been hard at work on my newfound Young ancestry, and there have been a few adjustments...
First of all, now I'm pretty sure that William Young (who died 1807 Christian County, Kentucky) was the BROTHER and not the father of Henry Young, Sr., who died in 1833 in Caldwell County, Kentucky. Both brothers appear early in Spartanburg County, South Carolina, where William Young (a revolutionary soldier -- not to be confused with his apparent cousin "Captain Billy" Young, son of John and Margaret, a couple who also had descendants in the Christian County area) was the first sheriff in 1785. But William's McChesney connection points back to Rockbridge and Augusta Counties in Virginia...
Henry Young's 1833 will listed sons William, Robert, Henry, and John, daughters Elizabeth, Margaret, Dorcas, and Priscilla, and wife Polly.
The executors of Henry Young's estate were William Young Dillingham and his brother James Dillingham, whose mother Hannah was a daughter of John and Margaret (Wood?) Young.
Their son William ("Captain Billy") had a son Ezekiel who ended up in Christian County. There was an Andrew Young who immigrated to South Carolina in 1772; his son William had a son Ezekiel who ended up in Trigg County, Kentucky, neighboring Christian and Caldwell Counties.
These families all seem to be interconnected, but not sure how...