If you want to be part of the Clan Lamont Society of North America inner workings, here is a good way to get involved. If you did not know how to become an officer here it is in a nut shell.
The officer’s of our society such President, Senior VP and Regional VP’s are all elected by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors, 2 from each of the four regions are elected each year by the membership. The 2012 BOD elections will be held in Oct. A ballot will be sent out with 2012 Dues Notices asking for the membership to vote for these eight (8) positions. No votes will count unless accompanied by the dues unless they have been prepaid for 2012. (Yes we have a few)
If you are not a current member and wish to be able to vote, I can arrange an application to be sent along with the dues notice and ballot.
If you are a member in good standing and wish to serve in any above position, please send me (your CLSNA Senior VP) or David Patton (your CLSNA President) a private message.
Time is short so please contact us if you wish to become involved, we have several openings
Ne Parcas Nec Spernas
George Young CLSNA Senior VP Seanair agus Seannachie