Our Facebook group : Clan Lamont Society of North America has recently caught on fire. I would encourage all of you on facebook to join and tell your kids/grand kids or any Lamonts you know that are on facebook to join also. You never know, it might actually get more interest going in the younger generations so we can keep this Clan alive!
James Patton
Another Patrick VP Northeast Region Ohio Commissioner Pennsylvania Commissioner All Around Cool Guy
Facebook group: Clan Lamont Society of North America
Facebook changed their group settings and as soon as you click the "convert group" button as admin. of the page it goes "bang!" and everyone who forgot they ever signed up for the group gets notified. Then they start getting an e-mail or a notice on FB that someone else in the group has posted something so they are forced to visit the page and set their options otherwise they are driven crazy by all the new e-mail/posts coming their way.
(If you're a member of more than one group the above action is multiplied!)
I think it will be a good thing for CLSNA though. :)