Welcome to the forum. It's a little quiet at the moment, mailnly I think due to the sadness caused by the passing on of one of our longer serving members.
Still, I think you'll find this a good place to find out about Clan Lamont.
You mentioned that you've found close DNA matches to a Lamond and a Brown over 37 markers. That's a good start. Have you joined the Lamont Family DNA project? If not, you can join at
Thanks for the welcome Sandy, sorry to hear of the members passing, that is always a sad day.
I have not joined the Lamont project yet, I sent off Friday for the obit of Mr. Lammon to see if I can find his brother again or any other male relatives. If I can find them then I will offer to pay for their DNA test and see how that comes out.
I will post my 37 markers over in the genelogy section
It's easy to join the Lamont study, look for a Icon on your page that says JOIN. Open that up and look for Lamont. You can belong to 2 studys at one one aka Brown and Lamont. I have some details to send you on John Lamond's family details if you have not already got them from him.
interesting you were adopted by a Sept of the Lamont Clan.
send me a PM with your email and I can help
George Young CLSNA Senior VP Seanair agus Seannachie
Thank you for the welcome George,
i would like the info on Johns family
my connection is with the gentleman that may be my birth dad, his name was Lammon. if I can find any of his male family members i am going to see if they will take the DNA test for me to make sure i am on the right track. when i met him in 78 he was unsure of me and his wife said he thought i was after something. all i am after is information. you grow up not knowing anything about your roots and something to be proud to be a part of. hereditary medical issues are nice to know too.