Don Moore here. I've been representing the Lamonts (and other organizations) at Washington, British Columbia and Arizona Highland Games for a number of years. It's time I joined the forum.
Don Moore Director, Far West - CLSNA Commissioner for Washington State - CLSNA
For all of you out there Don Moore is one of my main effluences for getting invovled with Clan Lamont. He is definately not a newbie. Several years ago I wandered upon Don at a Highland Games working two separate clan booths all by himself. They happened to be both of my families, Lamont - paternal side and Moore - maternal side. We had a great chat and I told him I would like to help. I think he was surpised I called the next summer. The rest is history. We have become great buddies.
Don is a great asset for Clan Lamont.
George Young CLSNA Senior VP Seanair agus Seannachie
The paintings, poetry and music Are all merely water drawn from the well of mankind And must be returned to him in a cup of beauty So he may drink And in drinking, come to know himself. --Lorca