Hello to all. As a member of the Turner family in Henry County, Georgia (the city of McDonough & Hampton), I have been commissioned to design a website (http://myturnerfamily.org) for benefit of local Turners....Here's brief outline of the beginnings as has been submitted to me. Any errors or follow-ups will be appreciated. I'll add the start of the tree to the site in a more interactive manner soon:
Note: I’ve added a number to each name so as to keep from confusing same names . For example the first William is William (1) and his son(s) are William (2) or William (3), etc.
William Turner (1), a minister of the Kirk of Scotland, was born in Aberdeen shire, Scotland in 1645. He married Mary McLemore (1), born in the same shire in 1650 and married in 1670. On account of persecution of the Convenanters, fled with his young bride and settled in the North of Ireland. Persecution followed him and his co-believers there and with quite a colony, he came to Maryland (US) in 1680 and settled in Worchester County, Maryland in 1680.
It is believed that so far, the above information is correct. The following has not been proven yet:
Children of William Turner (1) and Mary McLemore (1)…
William (2)
Elisha (1)
Mary (1)
Ebenezer (1)
John (1)
John (2)
Gertrude (1)
Thomas (1)
Elisha Turner (1) married Elizabeth Hicks, born in 1675. Children are…
Elisha (2)
Mary (2)
William (3)
Elizabeth (1)
Henry (1)
Philip (1)
Ebenezer (2)
John (3)
Elisha Turner (2) married Mary Carroll born in 1700. Children are…
Welcome! I think it's fantastic that you are assembling that information. Keep us posted on your progress. We would ideally like to link in sites like yours to www.clsna.us so other Turners can find this type of info.
Great to have you here!
David Patton President Clan Lamont Society of North America
Scott, Nice to see you on the forum! I remember the great time I had at the Stone Mtn. games a few years ago, it was the first time I met George, Jim, yourself and all the wonderful folks down your way. Can't make it this year, but sometime soon I hope. Have fun on the weekend.