Hi all. let me appologise for not being on line for a while. Long and complicated but I am back now. The reason I am putting this up is that in August this year there is a world wide pipefest starting in Edinburgh. the link is www.pipefest.com if anyone is interested. Some of you know already that I am a piper and I will be attending the fest this year in Edinburgh. If anyone is in the area at this time then please let me know and we can meet up, chew the fat and have a beer or two. I hope that everyone is keeping well and fondly think of the people we met at the Gathering last year (in fact, I use some of the pics from there as my profile on Facebook. Incidentaly, if anyone is on MSN you can add me it is kvnturner@ntlworld.com (I think) Have a peachy day all Kev Turner (Planning on getting married to karen for those that met us last year)
The United States and the United Kingdom, two countries separated with the same language.
Thank you Kevin for thinking of us and also for the kind invitation. Unfortunatly, we won't be over this year either. Please let us know how it goes and good luck.
More importantly, best wishes on the coming marriage. Sue and I enjoyed visiting with you and Karen at the Gathering. In a few weeks it will be 37 years for us. I guess it's all right. Just kidding Sue. Actually I hear it's good for you...I'll let you know in another 37 years.