This year is an exciting time for our clan with the activity level building.Lots of great things are on the horizon to save our ancient clan history.To accomplish our goals of preserving our heritage for future generations, we need to raise some funds. I urge you all to be creative and find ways of your own design to get more money into the clan bank account. I have taken on a project myself to sell t-shirts and key rings at the 6 games we will be hosting in the Pacific NW.
If you want to participate in this at your games, I have two methods for you to match to your personal situation.
1 No Money Down Method, all you have to do is have this flyer on your table at the games (see attached order form). Collect the money and order forms and send to me for shipping from my stock. I will handle all the details of buying & shipping.
2 Order Inventory Method, send me some $$ for a small inventory to take at the games. Reorder from me as you deplete your stock. You can also hand out the order form for people to order directly fromme.
Here Don Moore and myself this weekend at our Tartan Day event
here is a close up of the T shirt
I would highly suggest you buy a shirt, have some fun wearing to your games while supporting Clan Lamont.I guarantee you will be the talk of the games. I have been testing this idea at a few games last year with very positive responses by many clans (even the soup boys clan). Countless people have come back to our table dragging others in tow to see the shirts.