Hi all. Just thought I would introduce myself. My name is Lorraine and I have just joined your group. I am in New Zealand and my Clan Lamont ancestry is through my 4 time great grand mother Ellen Armour. I learned about this website from someone on facebook, where i also learned there was a Clan Lamont group. As I don't know very much of the history of the clan I am sure that members here will put me onto some good website or tell me of books that I may find of interest.
Be sure to go to www.lamontcentral.com and click on the Literature link on the right. There is plenty of reading there to keep you busy for a couple hours.
James Patton
Another Patrick VP Northeast Region Ohio Commissioner Pennsylvania Commissioner All Around Cool Guy
Facebook group: Clan Lamont Society of North America
(Guys, be nice to Lorraine -- she's a new Facebook friend of mine. :)
Lorraine, you'll eventually want to obtain a copy of H. McKechnie's book, The Lamont Clan, 1235-1935, if possible. Other than that learn all you can about your own family history -- it's a hobby of a lifetime!
PS: I'm not a Patrick or a Turner either. Just descended from a Lamond/Lamont.
Thank you all for your warm welcome. I have downloaded the pages that have been suggested and found them really interesting. I had already downloaded an article from tartans.com so am added them all to the folder. My Patrick married an Armour and was wondering if anyone knew what clan that name belonged to?
Welcome! Welcome! I'm late on the welcomes as usual. It's nice to have you here and I am glad you are making friends.
A quick look in the book tells us that Armour is historically associated with the Angus District along the East coast. I don't know how familiar you are with District Tartans but they identify with a place rather than a Clan. District Tartan affiliations are also generally thought to be older than Clan or family affiliations.
Lorraine, Welcome from the "Land of Sky Blue Waters" OK I felt a little nostalgic. Welcome to the forum from the State of Wisconsin. Being rather new myself, I can tell you that you have a lot of friends here. I look forward to seeing more posts from you.
My gaffe! My apologies! I'm new here and have been thumbing through this wonderful site, reading all the posts on a variety of subjects and have even made two comments of my own, and when I got to this page, I realized that I hadn't even introduced myself. My name is Dave and I live in Arizona. I am descended from Elizabeth Patrick (b. 1740), daughter of Hugh Patrick (b. 1708), son of Hugh H. Patrick (b. 1678). Elizabeth married a Frenchman named John Noe (Neau) and their grand-daughter Lucy married a David Fee (MacFee, MacPhee) and as I understand it, the MacFees were a Sept (is that the right term?) of Clan MacDonald. Is MacDonald a dirty word around here? I've been reading a lot of Scots history lately and I think I encountered something about these two being on opposite sides of more than one war. At any rate, I've thoroughly enjoyed my time here and look forward to returning soon. Now, back to Ancestry.com to work on my tree. Gudday.
Welcome and yes Sept is the correct term. All clans are welcome here...it is just some clans are more welcome than others! in years of yore the Mcdonalds and the Lamont's were allies.
As you have undoubtly read, the Patricks are a huge Sept of the Lamonts.
George Young CLSNA Senior VP Seanair agus Seannachie
Hello Dave and welcome to the forum. No need to appologize, we're all friends here. Some of us joke around a bit, but nary a cross word passes between us. I'm sure you'll enjoy spending some time here.