Kev, according to the site, they cannot accept orders from outside the U.S. May have something to do with retail licensing or some such thing. Why don't you go to the Scotland Lamont site and access their online store. I'm sure it would be easier anyway because I'm sure if you could purchase here, they would want to be paid in US dollars. Good luck.
thanks for your replies guys, initially I only wish to buy a few of the mumper stickers but will get other things later. If anyone is willing to get them and ship then of course I will riemburse them in US$ for the ammount. have a peachy day Kev Turner
The United States and the United Kingdom, two countries separated with the same language.
Hey Kev, I would just shoot Knockdow a PM and get the ball rolling to get you some goodies!! If you think about it the CD ROM is loaded with cool stuff too.
Brotherhood of the Kilt member #133 Laird of the Hardwood