I scanned, OCRed and PDFed the firct volume of the Clan Lamont Journal from October 1912. I will try to copy all the issues that I have (#1 through 24( covering the years from 1912 to 1919. There is some interesting reading here and if there is interest in using some of this in our lewsletter, I can provide text files of what I have scanned so far.
I have just read the 1912 edition and really look forward to the next. Its funny really, in todays modern technology everything is almost instant. In 1912, it would have been word of mouth for days even weeks and for Angus Lamont the Hon Piper from London to attend a Clan meeting would have taken a good few days just to get there on smokey old trains and drinking in station bars (oh how i miss the good ole days). Looking forward to the next edition Kev T
The United States and the United Kingdom, two countries separated with the same language.
How interesting to find this reproduced. We have every issue of the journal from this one to present day in the manse. Over last three years I have made this collection through appeals they all have been donated to the museum and make fantastic reading A UNIQUE HISTORICAL COLLECTION.
Thanks for passing that along, EoinDubh. A most interesting read.
-- Edited by LarneMan on Tuesday 24th of November 2009 08:46:29 PM
The paintings, poetry and music Are all merely water drawn from the well of mankind And must be returned to him in a cup of beauty So he may drink And in drinking, come to know himself. --Lorca
I got sidetracked by too many hours at work but will be working on typing out more from the volumes that I have. There are 2 sections that I want to do: the buildup to the Great War and the Lamonts who enlisted and their fates and the Parish Registers that were transcribed and printed in the Journal.