This is an e-mail I received today from Ian Lamont - - who lives in the highlands outside of Sydney. I met Ian in Nova Scotia (at the same event which I met the Chief) back in the mid-1990s, and have been on his group mailing list since. He writes about the recovery of their former clan society president, Jack Lamont.
"Dear Clansfolk, The very latest I have from a 'phone' conversation with Jan Maxwell in Sydney last Friday morning is that she had visited Jack early on Thursday (6th August) in Mt Wilga Private Nursing Hospital, Hornsby, & he was still showing further signs of slow improvement from when we had both visited him a week before. Jack's side, which was almost completely paralysed, has slowly but vastly improved, & he is able to walk short distances completely unassited now instead of being wheel-chaired everywhere. He can lift his left arm up quite high, but the shoulder & his left foot still need more mobility. In the intervening week he has been able to get the fingers on his left hand to move considerably more (with about 4 sessions of fairly exhausting therapy per day) but that hand is still VERY swollen. Jack himself is very pleased indeed with his own progress & his son, Greg, has taken him down by car to see Jack's wife Daphne in her nursing home at Beecroft, not far away. Whilst he continues to benefit & show progress from the excellent therapy & care at Mt Wilga they have decided he can stay there, which pleases us all VERY MUCH ! (In New South Wales Nursing Hospitals they have a Government rule that once a patient's recovery "plateaus off", & the medical profession considers they cannot make any further improvements then the patient [usually within a month/30days] has to move into a nursing hostel/home (if they aren't agile enough to look after themselves in their own home). Fortunately Jack is still progressing, is in good spirits, & hasn't had to face that, at this point. Thank you Clan Chief Rev. Peter here in Australia; Rev Fr William Turner in Michigan in the USA; & all those ordinary Clansfolk like myself, & others like our good friend Jan Maxwell (from the Australian Orkney & Shetlands Assn & Combined Scottish Societies), who have helped by praying for Jack's recovery this far as the Founder of Clan Lamont of Australia & Clan Chief Peter's First/Original Lieutenant for a considerable period. My Sincere Regards to All, Ian Lamond, Bowral. "