I came across an article in the Scottish Banner that said Leman is a sept of our Clan.I also found it on the web... as a surname grouped with lemon.This surprised me because my mother’s maiden name is Leman.If it’s true… that connects me from both sides of the family.
My Lamont connection is through my father's family, my mom's mother's maiden name was Brown, they are Scottish, but I haven't been able to connect them to the Lamonts (yet).
I am a "Double Campbell" I'm sure this will bring a ton of wrath down on me.
Can anyone else claim a double connection to Clan Lamont or any other clan?
Jim Lovelace CLSNA Director - SE Region Georgia, Alabama & Tennessee Area Commissioner - CLSNA
I found it quite difficult to navigate the site but I did come across a ceremonial photograph or two in which the Lamont tartan is worn. Then of course there's the song written by Tommy Makeham about a pub crawl, which goes something like this
"There was Johnny MacIldoo and McGie and me and a couple or two or three went on a spree one day We had a bob or two which we knew how to blew ... We visited McCann's, McLemans, Dirty Dan's... "
Amusingly, it was these lyrics that prompted me to do a Google search for McLeman.