Have traced this family to Ballilin, Augnish Parish, Donegal in the early 1700's. A John Black married twice second wife was Jane. Children were Samuel Black bn 1703 in Ballyin a sea captain and merchant he died Boston Mass. 1749. John bn abt 1715 died Boston 1751,Aaron, Alexander, Elizabeth, Margaret and Moses. Moses had two sons still in Ireland in 1750 also a Jane Read who was related. At what point they left Scotland for Ireland is but a guess. I have collected other Black genealogys, and anyone with a question is welcome.
Welcome to Lamont Central, we are happy to have you here.
Do you have a copy of the book on the Black Family? There is a copy in the Lamont Collection in the Ellen Payne Odom Library at Moultrie GA. You can contact the Genealogical Librarian at 229-985-6540, you will find Irene to be very helpful.
Jim Lovelace CLSNA Director - SE Region Georgia, Alabama & Tennessee Area Commissioner - CLSNA
Yes I do. My Black family book is there along with some others we donated, when we visited in 2004. Ellen Payne Odom Library has been a fantastic source and help for so many of us, giving a wee bit back is the least we can do.
Hi My name is Mary Black-Smith. For the past 8 years I have been trcing my father's family back to the shores from where they came. I have hit a brick wall in IL. in Vermillion County, IL where I have found that Reuben Black, my great great grandfther, "was a lad of 18 who came from Ohio and in the winter of 1824-1825 secured enough subscription pupils to make it worth his while to open a school. In 1830, Reuben D. Black married Nancy Alkire in Sangamon County, IL and at that time was noted as a doctor. I have not been able to connect Dr. Reuben D. Black with any of the Black families in Ohio area in the early 1800's or late 1700's. Just reasonely I came accross the Lamont Clan at the Scotish Games in Pleasent, CA and was told about the Lamont Clan book which I have order. I am hoping it will give me some insight as to the Black's migration in Americia.
Mary there are some references to Black's in that book so I think it should give you some insight. I am currently working in depth on certain sections of the book for our web project. I can tell you that Aemilia Black is referenced marrying Peter Lamont in 1790 (p.415) and a Hugh Black referenced on the following page. These appear in the Lamonts of Ascog and Stronalbanach section of the book. There may be more but that's just what I can find at the moment.
This complete section will appear on our site by Wednesday at the latest if you have not yet recieved your copy. There will be links from the Black sept name to these pages online.
David Patton President Clan Lamont Society of North America
Unfortunately, the book we were discussing doesn't cover any migration in America. However, there are some fantastic organizations in Ohio that are doing great work.
The Ohio Genealogical Society in Mansfield is a great resource. http://www.ogs.org/
They may be able to help you. I searched the free databases online and it didn't turn up anything. Contacting them would be best.
If they can't help there are many others if you know specifically where in Ohio he came from.
David Patton President Clan Lamont Society of North America