I wanted to share information about a Lamont web site that concentrates on genealogy, DNA testing & Lamont history might be of interest. The Lamont genealogy section is growing rapidly with 5500+ Lamonts already in the database. Contact me if you want to add your family or make any corrections.http://www.lamont-young.com/lamont/ Lamont DNA News 2009 is looking to be a great year for the Lamont DNA project. We now have 48 members as of 12/23/08 that represents 34 distinct blood lines.
Family names tested so far
3 Blacks
3 Browns
1 Burdon
1 Clemmen
1 Hadley
1 Lamb
1 Lambie
1 Lamons
3 Lamond
8 Lamonts
1 Lomanic
1 Luckey
1 Luke
1 McClammy
1 Meikle
2 Munn
1 Patterson
1 Sitlington
2 Turner
1 White
6 Young
Have you hit a brick wall tracing your family? DNA testing could help you prove your family heritage.ANTHROGENEALOGY: an·thro·ge·ne·al·o·gy 1 : the science of genealogy by genetics; especially : utilizing molecular biology to trace a lineage beyond the limits of historical records.
This Lamont DNA study group at Family Tree DNA is open to anybody from the Lamont family and related Septs. Our main goal will to connect our families back to Sir Laumon. Like all of you we want to find out more about our family, how we connect and the Lamont historical background. DNA provides us an exciting method to extend our genealogy pursuits. DNA will assist our search in the following ways. ·Eliminate or confirm the relationship of individuals or lines ·Focus research towards related families ·Direct research into a compact geographical area and timeframe ·Establish country or region of origin ·Confirm variant surnames & septs as part of the same Lamont family ·Strengthen weak paper trails ·Avoid pursuing false connections
George Young CLSNA Senior VP Seanair agus Seannachie
To show the possibilites with DNA testing, CLan McDonald is leading the pack with almost 700 people tested. They have 5 chieftans who have been tested
Clan Donald’s DNA project, now seven years old, is the largest family-based genetic genealogy project in the world. On May 29, 2008 it became the first such project to reach 600 participants. In March 2004, Clan Donald Genetic Project announced a 25-marker signature for identifying descendants of Somerled, ancestor to many MacDonalds, MacDougalls, and MacAllisters, including our Clan Chiefs. Somerled was an important figure in the history of the western highlands of Scotland. He died in battle in 1164 while attacking Glasgow with 160 ships drawn from his own territories and from Dublin. His descendants controlled much of the west coast of Scotland and the Hebrides for more than 500 years. For the first time, this website now identifies a 37-marker signature of Somerled and, with the express permission of our chiefs, shows the mutation of various key lines within the worldwide leadership of Clan Donald.
Congratualations to the McDonalds for showing us what is possible with DNA testing.
George Young CLSNA Senior VP Seanair agus Seannachie
What is the Lamont Haplogroup? I've had a 25 marker test, doesn't match my surname, I haven't found any exciting matches yet. My DNA Haplogroup is "Super Norse" Think it's I1a, which may indicate the outer and nothern isles.
-- Edited by MacPatrick on Tuesday 15th of September 2009 07:20:04 AM
-- Edited by MacPatrick on Tuesday 15th of September 2009 07:21:01 AM
Jim Lovelace CLSNA Director - SE Region Georgia, Alabama & Tennessee Area Commissioner - CLSNA
The Haplogroups are large broad generic groups that help geographically locate the source of your "Adam & Eve". The 25 marker values will help you isolate your family. You cannot determine your Haplogroup without taking the DNA test.
Like George I love this stuff, It is going to tell us a lot about our origins and families.
Jim Lovelace CLSNA Director - SE Region Georgia, Alabama & Tennessee Area Commissioner - CLSNA
How were able to isolate your particular leaf on the nut tree?
I took the extended haplogroup test (deepSNP R1b & Y Hapbackbone). It is just further dividing the groups. I am glad I didn't find that I was an english walnut tree
George Young CLSNA Senior VP Seanair agus Seannachie
If I resulted to DSNA testing,to get information,is there a specific site,or place I would need to have this done at?Thanks agin,to a novice with lots of questions,
first you need a male of the family you want to test, sorry females dont have Y DNA. Let me know when you are ready and I can send you a authorization to join the Lamont group at a discount
I just recently tested for Deep Clade SNP's, to find out a little more where I exist on the R1b branch of the tree. My confirmed haplogroup is R1b1a2a1a1b4 or what they call shorthand, R-L21. This is the beginning of one of the smaller limbs, "Celtic ancestors". However more twigs below this. Its an ongoing process at this point in the tree. Pick and choose at $29.00 for each SNP.
To answer your question simply, the answer is yes, it will add to your string. I guess that your haplogroup is now listed in red, that means predicted by Family Tree after they have completed your original marker test. "STR". After you order a Deep Clade Test to test for "SNP's" you will have a confirmed haplogroup printed in green and FTDNA will test for available SNP's below your current R-M269. The best way to see what they will test for is to log into your account and click on Y-DNA and the haplotree.
My original test was in 2008, I have hundreds of matches but none of them that match my surname. So I decided to have the Deep Clade Test and find out about my ancestors 1000's of years ago. I now know that I am Celtic, but there are more smaller branches below the R-L21 to test for.
Hope this helps answer your question a little bit. I am not good at explaining the technical part of STR's and SNP's. Maybe George can help us learn more at that.
I am trying to figure out the Deep Clade test and how the SNP test relate to each other.
If I do the Deep Clade are the SNP's included or are they still seperate test. So if I do the Deep Clade do I still need to order where I select the SNP's to test?
You will order the Deep Clade Test, should be under upgrade. This will include the SNP's that Family Tree Maker is currently testing for. If you unsure what this includes please contact FTDNA directly.
If you want to see what potential matches you might have for your Y-DNA results, you can join one of the specific Haplogroup Groups available on the FTDNA site, such as the R-L 21 and Subclades Group or the R-L 513 and subclades Group. You will then be able to get a more complete idea of where your Y-DNA results fit you into the constantly changing Y-DNA Tree. If you have done the Big-Y on FTDNA and are in the R-P312 Y-DNA haplogroup, you can submit your results to Alex Williamson of The Big Tree (www.ytree.net) and be shown a graphic presentation of where (and with whom) your results place you in that haplogroup.
There is also a series of presentations by John Cleary on You Tube called "Making Sense of your Y-DNA Results" that will walk you through that process. The first one can be seen at this URL: www.youtube.com/watch and you can then follow the links to complete the series if you are so inclined.