You guys might consider this sinful but I love rusty nails. In fact, I like Drambuie just by itself. Unfortunately for me, my stores on Scotch and Drambuie are dry so I'm getting by on pints of Guinness. Christmas is coming though and last year my brother-in-law bought me a jug of buie that was bigger than me head! It was a great day!
David Patton President Clan Lamont Society of North America
Glen Livet 18 year old - 2 Bottles because it's our favorite. Glen Livet Nadurra' - puts lead in your pencil. Chivas - 12 and 18 year old. Speyburn - Good only for sharing with Campbells or English. Stay away from anything with a fish on the bottle. Glenfiddich 18 year old. Highland Park 12 year old. Actually David picked this one out. Macallan 18 year old. Very good. Very expensive.
Lots of empties in the closet that I will list when I get a chance.
The unthinkable has happened. I made a mistake. The Speyburn is 10 year old. Maybe the 2 years does a lot of good but it's not on my "good" list. It does have a fish on the bottle.
-- Edited by James at 09:53, 2009-03-06
James Patton
Another Patrick VP Northeast Region Ohio Commissioner Pennsylvania Commissioner All Around Cool Guy
Facebook group: Clan Lamont Society of North America
I do like Speyburn 12 and Highland Park 12, I have a bottle of Balvenie Double Wood that I am working on. I don't recall that my bottle of Speyburn 12 has a fish on it. I really thought it was pretty good.
Tonight I finished off some Dewars (I know it's a blend) and will be opening a bottle of Famous Grouse (also a blend) in a day or two. My stock is dwindling, I'm going to stock up for the holidays.
About that Campbell reference, now that I know for sure you and I are related, I know that you have some Campbell blood in you too. So we must be careful here when refering to the Campbells. After all the Lamont laddies were noted for going across the glen and picking themselves out a Campbell lassie.
I still think we all need to come to your place and have a whisky tasting. At this point we have determined that you have the best variety of the water of life on your shelf.
Jim Lovelace CLSNA Director - SE Region Georgia, Alabama & Tennessee Area Commissioner - CLSNA
Is this the Scotch you're drinking, Jim? Today is full of coincidence. I found a bottle this morning in a linens bag that was never unpacked when we left the Texas Highland Games in June. This bottle of Balvenie DoubleWood was purchased by James and brought with him from Ohio.
Earlier I was looking for my Patrick research to answer you're post on Septs, looked in that bag and found this bottle. The very same bottle you're drinking now! Is this coincidence or fate? I guess I'll just go ahead and take a wee dram of it right now. Cheers to you cousin!
David Patton President Clan Lamont Society of North America
Using advanced procedures pioneered at the Cleveland Clinic I have purged all Campbell DNA from my cells. It was mostly in the appendix anyway. Although there is nothing wrong with chatting up a lass.
I knew I had another bottle somewhere. Didn't think it was in Texas though.
-- Edited by James at 14:14, 2008-11-29
James Patton
Another Patrick VP Northeast Region Ohio Commissioner Pennsylvania Commissioner All Around Cool Guy
Facebook group: Clan Lamont Society of North America
OK everybody, hold your horses! Seeing as I'm just one state away from James' stash, I mean abode, I think I'll just mozy on down there to buckeye land (geez, even saying it gives me the willies) and check things out. I'll send in a detailed (hic) report after a few days.
Seems like the Patrick boys are gitting into a bit of a squabble about thier respecitve whisky stocks. He he, all part of the grand scheme to separate them from their scotch. Oops, did I type that out loud?
And LadyMiller, welcome to the forum, perhaps you can talk some sense into these guys. I hate being the only reasonable one all the time.
-- Edited by Luckey on Friday 27th of March 2009 07:41:56 AM
Yeah but it's share and share alike when we are together. You'll see in June when you come down to Texas for the AGM. We can make it a prelude to Edinburgh the following month.
David Patton President Clan Lamont Society of North America
You know you are always welcome at my house, come on down and we'll uncork that bottle of Abelour I've got stashed. If we drink all of the Abelour I always have some Famous Grouse around.
Jim Lovelace CLSNA Director - SE Region Georgia, Alabama & Tennessee Area Commissioner - CLSNA
Jim, I totally agree with the traveling fund, yall talking about all this Scotch and I don't have a drop in the house. I have been forced to turn into a "Rummy", its cheaper as in price only, but mind you its 95.5 proof, Pussers from the British Virgin Islands, been making it the same way for over three hundred years in the same wooden still's. Its been good enough for HM Ships for that long I suppose it will have to suit me. Good history reading at:
OK David and Jim, From my experience, Rum goes well with the Aisian Ladies...Long story and I don't go down that road if I wish not to have the frying pan over my head. As for the English, and the Campbell's I look at it this way..."When the ladies want and ask for the best...Who better than a Scottsman!! Happy National Tartan Day to all of you fine gentleman
I wasn't able to wear my Lamont kilt to work today. (company safety policy) I did wear my Balmoral Bonnet with my Lamont Clan Badge today and I am flying the Saltire on my flag pole at home.
If I can get rid of this darn bug I have had for the last three days, I may uncork the "Water of Life" and drink some toasts to Alba.
Hope everybody has a great day!
Jim Lovelace CLSNA Director - SE Region Georgia, Alabama & Tennessee Area Commissioner - CLSNA
Jim, Get well, it seems that any bug these days stick around longer then when we were young. Being new to all of this, I do not have any form of a Tartan...but come next April 6th I will!! I work for the State of Wisconsin, so what ever I do I'll be rocking the boat, but then nothing new about that. Keep on smilling...It make people wounder what you know about them!!
I didn't realize you could catch that darn stuff on line, mine was a 48 + hour bug. Yesterday was my first decent day since the stuff surfaced (no pun intended) Friday night.
Jim Lovelace CLSNA Director - SE Region Georgia, Alabama & Tennessee Area Commissioner - CLSNA